M.J.H. Kortselius
Samenvattingen van de (16e) Bryologische en lichenologische studiedag 1993
Monitoring van epifyten in Nederland
H.F. van Dobben
Korstmossen in de Serra de Estrela
J. Jansen
A survey is presented of lichens collected from phytosociological relevés made in the upper parts of Serra da Estrela (Portugal). A total number of 142 species has been found and listed in a table. It concerns terrestrial and epiphytic lichens from heathland (type A and B), Dwarf juniper scrub (C) and open vegetation (D). Terrestrial species are included in a description of vascular plant communities (type A up to D); epiphytic species are separately described as epiphytic communities (type 1 up to 4). Type 2 and 3 seem to be closely related to resp. Pseudevernietum furfuraceae and Parmeliopsidetum ambiguae. Main phorophytes are Erica australis, Erica arborea and Juniperus alpina. The collections are preserved in the private herbarium of Dr. A. Aptroot.
Lophozia en Leiocolea in Nederland
A. Aptroot
Systematiek van de Cyathophoroideae:een introductie
J.D. Kruijer
Bryologische indrukken uit Madagascar
A. Touw
Mossen in Friesland, bryologische kanttekeningen
J. Koopman & K. Meijer
Lichenologische werkdag
J.L. Spier
Zomerkamp 1994 (Oostenrijk)
Mossenexcursie naar Empe en Voorstonden op 4 april 1992
B.F.M. Wijlens
Locaties in dit artikel: Landgoed Empe (atlasblok: 33-36) - Landgoed Voorstonden (atlasblok: 33-36)
Interessante korstmosvondsen op eiken in Noord- en Oost-Nederland
C.M. van Herk
Since 1989 parts of the Netherlands are investigated on lichen composition on the bark of the Common Oak (Quercus robur). The purpose of this survey is to assess the regional influence of ammonia-emissions. The study has revealed three new species for the Dutch lichen flora: Caloplaca herbidella, Lecidella flavosorediata and Protoparmelia oleagina. Physcia clementei has been found back since 1952. Anaptychia ciliaris and Ramalina lacera seem to be less rare than expected before.
Sphinctrina anglica en zijn gastheren
J.L. Spier & C.M. van Herk
Sphinctrina anglica has been found on Hypocenomyce caradocensis growing on oak near Amersfoort and near Hoogeveen. This is the first report of Sphinctrina anglica on this host.
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