Buxbaumiella 32

< vorige December 1993 volgende >

M.J.H. Kortselius


Opmerkelijke mosvondsten in het hartje van Leiden
A. Touw, S. Pardoel & J. Kruizinga

An examination of brick walls and rocks in the botanic garden of Leiden University resulted in the discovery of a second locality in The Netherlands of Bryum donianum (on an old brick wall, mainly growing in crevices). Other floristically interesting observations included Brachythecium plumosum and Didymodon trifarius. In the rock garden a small patch was found of the former species which had been reported only twice before from the western part of the country. The latter species occurs on walls and rocks throughout the garden and may be less rare in the Netherlands than is suggested by the information available. Locaties in dit artikel: Leiden, Hortus botanicus (atlasblok: 30-37)
Han van Dobben gepromoveerd
H.J. During

Annemieke Kooijman gepromoveerd
B.F. van Tooren

Lichenen van Evolène en omgeving (Zwitserland)
P.P.G. van den Boom, A.M. Brand & H.J.M. Sipman

An annotated list of 591 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi found during a field meeting in 1990 in the Val d’Hérens and surroundings, Canton de Valais, Switzerland is presented. Except the paragraph ’De excursies’, this report has been published in Meylania (v.d.Boom et al. 1993) where more detailed information on locations can be found.
De najaarsexcursie 1992 in Noordoost-Twente. (Addendum 33:03)
H.R. Zielman, E.J. Weeda & F. Bos
The autumn field meeting visited northeast Twente
In moist heathland several decreasing hepatics were observed, such as Cephaloziella elachista, Cladopodiella francisci and Calypogeia arguta. Decaying grass appeared to be a suitable substrate for Leptodontium flexifolium. The fluviatile musci Fissidens arnoldii, F. gracilifolius and Rhynchostegiella curviseta appeared outside their usual area; Fissidens gracilifolius and Rhynchostegiella curviseta were growing on a sandstone. Other remarkable observations concerned Racomitrium aciculare, Bartramia pomiformis and Archidium alternifolium. A habitat reconstruction project by removal of the top layer in a heathland offered excellent conditions for Trematodon ambiguus, this moss had been found in The Netherlands only once before, over 130 years ago. At a location where the rare species Scorpidium lycopodioides and Drepanocladus sendtneri used to occur, only Scorpidium lycopodioides could be recovered. Locaties in dit artikel: Agelerbroek (atlasblok: 28-38) - Boerskotten (atlasblok: 29-41) - Boerskotten (atlasblok: 29-51) - Brecklenkampsche Veld (atlasblok: 29-11) - Grevenmaat (atlasblok: 29-41) - Hakenberg (atlasblok: 29-41) - Hakenberg, lariksbos (atlasblok: 29-31) - Hengelerheurne (atlasblok: 29-51) - Hezingen, bron Mosbeek (atlasblok: 28-18) - Mander (atlasblok: 28-17) - Manderheide, cirkels van Jannink (atlasblok: 28-17) - Oortven (atlasblok: 29-32) - Punthuizen (atlasblok: 29-32) - Rooderveld (atlasblok: 29-31) - Singraven (atlasblok: 29-31) - Stroothuizen (atlasblok: 29-32) - Vassergrafveld (atlasblok: 28-27)
Korstmossen rond Thorn en Melick (Limburg)
A. Aptroot, P.P.G. van den Boom, C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier

Tropische korstmossen in Nederland
A. Aptroot

Tropical lichens were found (and bought) in a shop selling plants in Soest, The Netherlands. Nine species were found on one stem, of which 7 were identifiable to species level, all concerning pantropical weeds. Apparently they have been imported on stems of the Dracaena on which they were growing. They were still in good health.
De eendagsexcursies naar de Bergsche Maas in 1988 en 1990
A. van der Pluijm

Locaties in dit artikel: Hank, noordoever Bergsche Maas (atlasblok: 44-35) - Hank, zandwinput Kurenpolder (atlasblok: 44-24) - Hank, zandwinput Kurenpolder (atlasblok: 44-25) - Heusden, omgeving industriehaven (atlasblok: 44-28) - Heusden, stadswal en omgevingn (atlasblok: 44-28)
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