Buxbaumiella 54

< vorige December 2000 - Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland volgende >

Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland. Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst
H.N. Siebel, B.F. van Tooren, H.M.H. van Melick, A.C. Bouman, H.J. During & K.W. van Dort

A proposal for the Dutch Red List of threatened bryophyte species was prepared on the basis of the internationally accepted IUCN criteria. According to these criteria species are assigned to six categories on the basis of a combination of rareness and decline. These categories are: extinct, critical, endangered, vulnerable, susceptible, presently not threatened. Species in the first five categories are on the Red List. In the Netherlands 570 moss and liverwort species and varieties have been found. Of these, 25 disappeared in the 19th century already and 19 have been found only once. These were not taken into account for the Red List. Of the remaining 526 bryophyte species and varieties taken into account 249 are on the Red List (47.3%). The figures in the various categories are: Extinct 15 taxa (2.8%), Critical 30 (5.7%), Endangered 52 (9.9%), Vulnerable 72 (13.7%), Susceptible 80 (15.2%), Presently not threatened 277 (52.7%). Threats and conservation measures are discussed for habitats that are important for mosses, liverworts and hornworts.

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