Buxbaumiella 53

< vorige November 2000 volgende >

In Memoriam: Theo Arts

Inventarisatie van blad- en levermossen in de gemeenten Rheden en Rozendaal in de periode 1992-1999: een samenvatting
K. Reinink

Bryophytes of the municipalities of Rheden and Rozendaal (The Netherlands) recorded between 1992 and 1999: a summary. The area studied consists for a large part of coarse and gravelly as well as loamy Pleistocene sands pushed into low hills by the Saale ice sheet. These hills border the floodplain of the IJssel with extensive forelands. Several estates and castles are situated in the transitional zone, most often associated with brooks. The bryophyte flora has been recorded in 167 km-squares between 1992 and 1999 and yielded 201 mosses and 46 liverworts. Data is provided on the distribution of all rare species. Distribution maps are given for species typical of forests, heathland, loamy soils, brooks and springwoods, forelands and groynes.
Myrinia pulvinata (Wahlenb.) Schimp. (Schubmos) in Nederland
A.I. Reijerse & G.M. Dirkse

Myrinia pulvinata (Wahlenb.) Schimp. in the Netherlands. In january 1994 a small pleurocarp was collected by the first author on an ash tree in the forelands of the Maas near Boxmeer, possibly Myrinia pulvinata. The second author confirmed the determination by revision in 1999. Myrinia pulvinata was collected for the first time in the Netherlands near Boxmeer in 1853, later in 1878 in St. Agatha. Both collections were recorded as Leskea polycarpa for more than a century. In 1999 and 2000 many ash trees in the forelands of the Maas have been inspected on Myrinia by us and several other bryologists. In both years with success. At several locations this moss was found in varying amounts on ash trees or willows. Myrinia pulvinata can easily be mistaken for and is often accompanied by Leskea polycarpa. This small moss is until now known from 6 locations in the forelands of the Maas in the region of Boxmeer and probably has never disappeared since the first records.
Korstmosinventarisatie van Den Treek (Leusden) en de Leusderheide (periode 1991-99)
J.L. Spier

A survey of lichens of Den Treek and the Leusderheide (near Amersfoort, the Netherlands) between 1991 and 1999. In 1991 an inventory of lichens was started in Den Treek, an estate, and the Leusderheide, a (former) heathland, near Amersfoort. It is no doubt that this area belongs to the most species-rich parts of the Netherlands. Two species new to science viz. Fellhanera viridisorediata (Aptroot et al.1998) and Protoparmelia hypotremella (Aptroot et al.1997) have been found, a number of species found again since 1910 viz. Arthopyrenia antecellans (Spier 1997), Arthroraphis grisea (Spier 1994), Evernia divaricata (Spier 1992). Fellhanera subtilis (Spier 1994), Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola (Bacidia myrtillicola, Spier 1994) and Micarea excipulata (Aptroot & Van Herk 1999), found by Kok van Herk, are new to the Netherlands. A number of other species viz. Arthonia pruinata, Baeomyces roseus of which only two records are known, Cetraria pinastri, Cladonia squamosa var. squamosa, Graphis elegans, Parmeliopsis hyperopta, Pyrenula nitida and Ramalina pollinaria give special value to this area.
Korstmossen van Gelderland en aangrenzend Flevoland en van soortenrijke kerkmuren in de IJsselvallei
L.B. Sparrius, A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier

Lichen records from the spring field meeting 2000 and old churches in the Betuwe, Liemers and Achterhoek. Field data resulting from several excursions to inland dunes (4 localities), ancient forests (5), medieval churches (28) and river dykes (2) are presented. 249 species were found. The lichenicolous fungus Cladosporium arthoniae M.S. Christ. & D. Hawksw. is reported for the first time from the country, growing in the apothecia of Dirina stenhammarii on north-facing church walls. Lecanora orosthea appears to be rather common on south(west)-exposed brick walls. Additional records are given for rare species, such as Aspicilia moenium, Catillaria nigroclavata, Chaenotheca furfuracea, Collema fuscovirens, Fellhanera bouteillei, Gyalidea hyalinescens, Lecidea lithophila, Lecidella anomaloides, Lepraria jackii, Leproplaca chrysodeta, Opegrapha gyrocarpa, Parmelia pulla, Phaeographis inusta, Sarcopyrenia cylindrospora, Sarcosagium campestre and Stigmidium mycobilimbiae.
Weissia rostellata (Brid.) Lindb. (Dwerg-paarlmos) herontdekt in Nederland
C.G. Buter

Weissia rostellata (Brid.) Lindb. rediscovered in the Netherlands. Weissia rostellata (Brid.) Lindb., a rare moss species for the whole of NW Europe, was rediscovered after 92 years at two localities along the river Meuse about two kilometers apart, one near the village of Giessen, the other near Poederoijensehoek, province of Noord-Brabant.
Het Verdwenen riviervedermos (Fissidens rufulus) na 100 jaar weer boven water
R.J. Bijlsma

Fissidens rufulus Schimp. rediscovered in the Netherlands. The last occurrence of Fissidens rufulus in the Netherlands dates from 1893. In 1994 this species was found on basalt of a groyne in the river Rhine near Duiven. Accompanying species were Cinclidotus danubicus, C. fontinaloides, C. riparius, Fissidens crassipes, Leptodictyum riparium, Leskea polycarpa and Octodiceras fontanum. Unfortunately, the species could not be refound in 2000.
Lichenen van het najaarsweekend op Terschelling en enkele kerken in noordwest Friesland
A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk & L.B. Sparrius

Lichens of the Wadden Sea island Terschelling and some churches in northwest Friesland (the Netherlands), field meeting autumn 2000. The lichen flora of the Dutch Wadden Sea Island Terschelling in the province of Friesland was investigated in September 2000 together with some churches on the mainland of Friesland. A single small granite sea-dyke is the only locality in the Netherlands with a fully developed maritime saxicolous lichen flora, with e.g. Anaptychia runcinata, Lecanora gangaleoides, Lecidella subincongrua, Pertusaria aspergilla, P. lactescens, P. pseudocorallina, Ramalina siliquosa, R. subfarinacea, Rhizocarpon constrictum and Verrucaria internigrescens. Remarkable is the presence of many normally epiphytic species on brick of the church walls, especially of Boksum, with e.g. Lecanora chlarotera, L. compallens, L. horiza, Lecidella elaeochroma, Pertusaria albescens and even Opegrapha niveoatra. The latter was never reported from a saxicolous habitat anywhere before. Saxicolous specimens of Lecidella elaeochroma are so far known only from the Netherlands and may serve to elucidate some taxonomic problems in saxicolous members of the group. The following lichens and lichenicolous fungi are reported as new for the Netherlands: Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa, Endococcus parietinarius, Lichenoconium usneae, Pyrenocollema tichothecioides, Ramalina subfarinacea, Syzygospora bachmannii. The species list accompanying this report consists of 176 species.
De mossen van het Lauwersmeer
B.F. van Tooren

Mosses of the Lauwersmeer, a former part of the Wadden Sea. The Lauwersmeer was dammed from the Wadden Sea in 1969 and since then colonised by an increasing number of salt-intolerant and even acidophytic mosses. The moss floras recorded for the periods 1969-1975 (31 species), 1982 (41 species) and 1998 (93 species) are tabulated and discussed. Grasslands on calcareous sand are the most valuable and provide habitat for species like Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Fissidens taxifolius and F. adianthoides. Interestingly, these grasslands differ significantly from those on the Wadden Sea islands e.g. by the absence or low frequency of Campylium species and Calliergonella.
Mededeling: Grimmias of the World

Mededeling: Lichens of Belgium and Luxembourg

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