Buxbaumiella 42

< vorige Juni 1997 volgende >

M.J.H. Kortselius

Huub van Melick erelid
H.F. van Dobben

Samenvatting van een van de lezingen tijdens de (19e) Bryologische en lichenologische studiedag 1996

Genetische variatie bij mossen:oorsprong en mechanismen van handhaving
H.J. During

The advance of molecular techniques and mathematical models offers great opportunities for new developments in bryophyte population ecology, but ample scope remains for contributions by amateurs (field observations, experiments). A simple simulation model suggests that in clonally reproducing plant populations in steady state genetic variation will decline rapidly due to random drift, but this is not always confirmed by field data. We are beginning to understand the mechanisms behind positively and negatively density-dependent effects in bryophyte communities, but the consequences for the maintenance of genetic variation of positive density dependence in particular have hardly been studied until now. Other important developments in bryophyte population ecology include 1) the application of the metapopulation concept and the analysis of processes which are crucial in this context such as dispersal, establishment and mortality; 2) further studies on the size and genetic composition of the diaspore bank; and 3) relative reproductive success of males and females.
De Urkhovense Zeggen bij Nuenen, Noord-Brabant, in de winter van 1996
J.L. Spier & L.J. Torenbeek

After several weeks of extreme cold places in De Urkhovense Zeggen could be visited across the ice, which were not so easily to be reached otherwise. The most interesting find was Physcia clementei.
De lichenologische excursie van maart 1996 naar het Zuidoosten van de provincie Noord-Brabant
P.P.G. van den Boom

A visit to the area of the zinc-works at Budel-Dorplein has been undertaken to show the occuring of Micarea confusa Coppins & v.d.Boom which was recently described. Cladonia grayis.str.. a species known from a few localities in the northeastern part of The Netherlands was found for the first time in the province. The second area which was visited is ’Het Goor’, east of Soerendonk, a reserve with Salix trees in a damp locality, surrounded by Alnus and Betula. The most important discovery was Normandina pulchella, only known from the last century for the province. The third area visited was a heathland with many Pinus stumps. On several places, Cladonia borealis, a species previously only known from the last century in the province, was present.
Het voorjaarskamp van 1995 in de omgeving van Osnabrück
K.W. van Dort, F. Bos, M. Koperski & I. Möllenkamp

In 1995 the spring meeting of the Dutch bryological and lichenological society was held in the region of Osnabrück, northern Germany. Some interesting finds of the excursions in this area and a number of relevees of Dicranetum taurici, Preissietum quadratae, Calypogeietum muellerianae and Paraleucobryetum longifolii are presented. Locaties in dit artikel: Duitsland, Omgeving Osnabrück (atlasblok: -)
De mossen van het voorjaarsweekend in Woerden 1996
M.J.H Kortselius & Th.B.M. Kerkhof

The spring field meeting 1996 visited the region around Woerden. Recent records are being compared with earlier records of the spring field meeting of 1956. Although in this region the impoverishment of natural values is substantial, due to urbanisation and intensive agriculture, the situation in most of the protected areas which we visited during this weekend appeared to be astonishingly unchanged during the last four decades. The exception to this was the Zuidnes (Kamerikse Nessen) where polluted surface water got free entrance to the precious rich fenn vegetation after reconstruction of an old ditch. Locaties in dit artikel: Armenland Ruwiel te Kockengen (atlasblok: 31-25) - Blauwgraslanden langs de Meije (atlasblok: 31-34) - De Haeck, Hollandse kade, Nieuwkoop (atlasblok: 31-34) - Harmelen, Vijverbos (atlasblok: 31-46) - Kamerikse Nessen, Noordnes (atlasblok: 31-34) - Kamerikse Nessen, Zuidnes (atlasblok: 31-44) - Krimpenerwaard, Veerstalblokboezem (atlasblok: 38-12) - Linschoterbos (atlasblok: 31-55) - Nieuwkoop, veenmosrietland en bos (atlasblok: 31-34) - Nieuwkoop, verlandingsvegetatie en veenmosrietland (atlasblok: 31-34) - Tichelterrein bij Bijleveld (atlasblok: 31-46) - Vianen, Middelwaard (atlasblok: 38-17) - Vianen, Middelwaard (atlasblok: 38-27) - Vianen, Mijnsheerenwaard (atlasblok: 38-17) - Zederik, Kersbergsche en Achthovensche Uiterwaarden (atlasblok: 38-26)
Eendagsexcursie naar het Essenhakhout bij Overlangbroek op 26 oktober 1996
H.C. Greven

Locaties in dit artikel: Overlangbroek (atlasblok: 39-23)
Cresporhaphis wienkampii en Leptorhaphis contorta, twee nieuwe schorsbewoners voor Nederland
A. Aptroot

Cresporhaphis wienkampii and Leptorhaphis contorta are reported for the first time from the Netherlands. The former was thought to be extinct worldwide, the latter was so far only known from N. America and Iceland. Both species have probably been overlooked, as they were found within walking distance from, respectively, the working laboratory and the living home of the author.
Instructief Korstmossenweekend 1993
D.W. Wolfskeel

An instructive weekend for beginning lichenologists was held on the 27th and 28th of March 1993 in Vierhouten in the province of Gelderland. Several rich areas, among which the Hulshorsterzand, were visited.

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