Inventarisatiehandleiding Mossen
H.N. Siebel
Manual and guideline for the recording of bryophytes. A manual is presented for the recording of bryophytes in the Netherlands. Three projects are defined. A general mapping project is aimed at providing distribution maps of bryophytes for the Netherlands. Three hundred km squares have been selected for a monitoring project in which the abundance of the species is estimated. Very rare and endangered bryophytes have been selected for more detailed monitoring in a separate project. The method for monitoring populations of these bryophytes is described, and the species are listed.
Veranderingen aan de Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen
H.N. Siebel, H.J. During & H.M.H. van Melick
Update of the checklist of the Dutch mosses and liverworts
An update is given of the checklist of the Dutch bryophyte flora. Several species have been added to the list which were recently found or recognized for the first time in the Netherlands. Some minor changes were made in author citations and the eight-letter codes used for database purposes. The updated version of the checklist can be found on the website of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (www.blwg.nl).
Determinatiesleutel en veldnotities voor de soorten van het geslacht Orthotrichum Hedw. in Nederland en Belgiƫ
A. van der Pluijm
Key and field annotations for the species of the genus Orthotrichum Hedw. in the Netherlands and Belgium. Since the publication of the Dutch moss flora, "De Nederlandse bladmossen" by A. Touw and W.V. Rubers in 1989, 10 new species of Orthotrichum have been found in the Netherlands. The Dutch flora now comprises 24 species. An extensive report on new Dutch species will be published in Lindbergia. Here, a new key is presented, which also includes O. ibericum recently found in Belgium, and O. gymnostomum. Information about field characteristics of all species is also provided.
Achterlichtmossen in een nieuw daglicht
H.N. Siebel
A key for the Schistidium species in the Netherlands. Three species within the Schistidium apocarpum complex occur in the Netherlands: S. crassipilum, S. apocarpum and S. elegantulum. A key for the species within the genus Schistidium is given.
Over de herkenning en het voorkomen van Bosklauwtjesmos (Hypnum andoi) in Nederland
H.N. Siebel & R.J. Bijlsma
About the recognition and the occurrence of Hypnum andoi A.J.E.Sm. in the Netherlands. Hypnum andoi can be recognized as a species in the Netherlands. The differences with Hypnum cupressiforme are discussed. Generally, the two species are easily recognized in the field. We propose to use the average maximum cell length rather than mean cell length for distinguishing the species microscopically. Hypnum andoi is a rather common species in sheltered places in old oak and beech forest on sandy soils and occurs only on tree trunks and dead wood. Mixed colonies of the two species are common, especially in the central part of the Netherlands (Veluwe area).
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