Buxbaumiella 43

< vorige November 1997 volgende >

M.J.H. Kortselius

In den beginne
J.W. van Vliet

Tortula densa in Nederland
Ph. Sollman

Recently Tortula densa (Velen.) J.-P. Frahm has been considered to be a good taxon at the species level (Frahm 1994). Frahm studied collections of this taxon from several countries, among these was also one collection from The Netherlands. More recently the author re-examined a number of collections in the T. ruralis-complex. T. densa is likely rather common in The Netherlands. True T. ruralis s.s. is likely very rare in our country, T. calcicolens and T. ruraliformis are quite common. T. densa is reported new for Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Norway and Switzerland, based on collections studied and housed in Herbarium Leyden (all as T. ruralis).
Aankondiging. De blad- en levermossen van Noordwest-Overijssel. (H.J. Jager & K. van der Veen)

De lichenologische najaarsexcursie van 1996 naar Schiermonnikoog (prov. Friesland). (aanvulling in 47:43-44)
P.P.G. van den Boom & A. Aptroot

The autumn field meeting of 1996 was held on the Waddensea island Schiermonnikoog. 160 lichens and 2 lichenicolous fungi are reported. Arthopyrenia fraxini Massal. and Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D.Hawksw. are mentioned for the first time from the Netherlands. Also the weakly or not lichenized species Exarmidium hemisphericum (Fries) Aptroot and Kirschsteiniothelia maritima (Linder) D.Hawksw. are new for the Netherlands. Dr. P. Diederich is thanked for the identification of lichenicolous fungi.
Lichenen in de Kop van Noord-Holland (2)
D.W. Wolfskeel

An investigation of epiphytic lichens was made in a small broad-leaved forest in the northern part of the province of North Holland. Five Red List species were found: Enterographa crassa, Graphis scripta, Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Physconia distorta and Pertusaria hymenea. The last-named is a rare species in The Netherlands, Enterographa crassa and Graphis scripta are moderately rare. Hyperphyscia adglutinata appears to be no longer a rare but a rather common species. The distribution of Lepraria lobificans is still unclear at the moment.
Korstmossen op de Diemerzeedijk
L.B. Sparrius, J.L. Spier & A. Aptroot

On the 15 th of April an excursion was made to the former Zuiderzeedijk near Diemen in the province of North Holland. The lichen flora is moderately rich. Parts of this area have been heavily polluted by chemicals.
Arthopyrenia antecellans (Nyl.) Arnold, een nieuw licheen voor Nederland
J.L. Spier

For the first time this century Arthopyrenia antecellans (Nyl.) Arnold has been found on Fagus in Den Treek (Leusden) near Amersfoort.
De mossen van Kampsheide
B.O. van Zanten, W.J. de Ruiter, E. de Haas-Lely & E.H. Rietsema

Kampsheide, a nature reserve between Rolde and Assen in the north of the province of Drenthe, has been investigated on bryophytes. The most remarkable finds are: Dicranum spurium in a wet Calluna-Erica-heath (in recent decades strongly in decline), Anisothecium rufescens in a ditch on loam, Orthotrichum tenellum on dead oak branch and Ulota crispa on oak and juniper. The latter species could easily be distinguished in the field from the much more common U. bruchii by its smaller size and smaller calyptra (1.5 mm versus 2 mm) which covers only the upper half of the capsule, whereas the calytra of U.bruchii envelopes the whole capsule. These differences support the view in Touw & Rubers (1989) that the two taxa are different at the species level. Locaties in dit artikel: Balloo, Kampsheide (atlasblok: 12-44)
Aankondiging. 30 jaar BLAM

De eendagsexcursie naar de duinen bij de Wassenaarse Slag (Ganzenhoek en Lange Pan). (1996)
M.J.H. Kortselius

A report is presented on the Bryophytes observed during a one day visit to the dune area near Wassenaar. The moss vegetation of the calcareous sand dunes appear well established, particularly on north slopes on the verge of the Pinus-forest in Ganzenhoek. The Sambucus shrubs in Lange Pan are rich in epiphytes. Attention is given to red list species. Locaties in dit artikel: Ganzenhoek aan de Wassenaarse Slag (atlasblok: 30-35) - Lange Pan bij de Wassenaarse Slag (atlasblok: 30-35)

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