Buxbaumiella 36

< vorige April 1995 volgende >


Bryologisch verslag van het voorjaarsweekend 1992 in Luxemburg
A. van der Pluijm & H.M.H. van Melick

About 30 members and several guests attended the spring field meeting 1992 of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society which was held from 1 to 4 May in Luxemburg (Petite Suisse). 235 Bryophytea (190 Musci and 45 Hepaticae) are mentioned in the report. Interesting records were Dicranum fulvum, Hypnum pallescens, Tetrodontium brownianum (the third record from Luxemburg) and Schistidium trichodon. The last mentioned species has never been reported from Luxemburg before. Locaties in dit artikel: Beaufort, Halerbaach (atlasblok: K8-58) - Berdorf, Aesbaach ter hoogte van Perekop (atlasblok: L9-12) - Berdorf, Aesbaach, Aesbech Houllay (atlasblok: L9-11) - Berdorf, omgeving camping (atlasblok: K9-51) - Echternach (atlasblok: L9-12) - Manternach, Fielsmillen, Syre-beek en ravijnbos (atlasblok: L9-33) - Manternach, heuvel O van Fielsmillen (atlasblok: L9-33) - Rumelange, groeve Kolscheid en omgeving (atlasblok: N8-14) - Rumelange, omgeving groeve Laangegronn (atlasblok: M8-53)
De lichenen van de excursie naar Luxemburg in 1992
A. Aptroot, P.P.G. van den Boom, A.M. Brand, P. Diederich & E. Sérusiaux

The Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society spring field meeting of 1992 was held in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, based at Berdorf. 336 Taxa of lichens and 12 of lichenicolous fungi have been recorded. Lepraria crassissima (Hue) Lettau is treated as a distinct species, not as a synonym of L. incana.
Epifytische lichenen in Vlaanderen
M. Hoffmann

Samenvattingen van de (17e) Bryologische en lichenologische studiedag 1994

Bewerking van de Lejeuneaceae en de Metzgeriaceae voor de Nederlandse levermosflora
A. van der Pluijm

Korstmossen en ammoniak
C.M. van Herk

The pollution of the air with ammonia is in the Netherlands a big problem. Since 1989 lichens on oak trees are used to map and monitor the effects of the pollution. About 40,000 trees are investigated. It appears possible to map the effects of ammonia without interference of sulphurdioxide. The NIW (“Nitrophilous Indication”) is calculated with the frequency and quantity of about twenty nitrophytic species in samples of ten trees. The results show a big resemblance with maps of ammonia from the Dutch Airquality Network, but the NIW-map is far more detailed.
Bedreigde Mossen van het tropisch Regenwoud
S.R. Gradstein

De mosflora van de Canarische Eilanden
G.M. Dirkse & A.C. Bouman

This paper reports on the bryophyte flora of the Canary Islands. The account is based on numerous field trips (1984-1994), taxonomical research, and the study of literature. Thanks to the grid-based collecting trips (Fig. 1.), distribution maps become possible. Because of the marked difference between the high western islands (Hierro, La Palma, Gomera, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria) and the low eastern islands (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote), bryophyte distributions reflecting this difference are to be expected (Crossidium crassinerve, Fig. 2.). On the western islands this species is confined to the dry, southern parts. Goniomitrium seroi is confined to the driest places of the southern parts of Hierro, La Palma, Gomera, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria. Yet, it is absent from both Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Fig. 3.). Species of laurel forests are almost confined to the northern slopes of the four western islands (Heteroscyphus denticulatus,Fig. 4.). Species that normally grow above 1000 m are confined to the western islands, Gran Canaria included. Anacolia webbii, for example, is common in mountainous areas (Fig. 5.), and thus absent from both Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Grimmia species like G. montana seldom occur below 2000 m. Hence they are limited to the highest peaks of La Palma, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria (Fig. 6).
De excursie in de duinen bij Overveen op 29 oktober 1994
B.W.J.M. Kruijsen & E.J. Weeda

Locaties in dit artikel: Duinen Overveen (atlasblok: 25-31)
Boekbespreking. Die Moos- und Farnpflanzen Europas
H.M.H. van Melick

Mossengemeenschappen van Nederland
K.W. van Dort & H.N. Siebel

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