Buxbaumiella 68

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Veranderingen van de mos- en licheenvegetatie in de droge duinen van Terschelling sinds 1970
R. Ketner-Oostra

Changes of the moss and lichen vegetation in the dry dunes of the Dutch island of Terschelling after 1970. Three floristic moss inventories prepared by the BLWG being: 1967, 1984 and 2000/2001 do not clearly indicate the changes that have occurred in the dry dune vegetation on the Dutch Wadden island of Terschelling. Based on vegetation research before and after the 1970’s, succession is evident in these calcium-poor dunes. In the period before the 1970’s the open short grassland with grey hair-grass (Corynephorus canescens) was rich in cryptogams, including several terrestrial growing epiphytic lichens and the epiphytic moss Dicranoweisia cirrata. In the period after the 1970’s encroachment with long graminoids and the moss Campylopus introflexus reduced the quantity of the open short grassland and its cryptogam diversity. This development has been connected to a rising level of aerial nitrogen deposition since the 1970’s.
Het bryologische najaarsweekend naar Texel in 2004
H.A.M. Smulders en B.F. van Tooren

The bryological meeting on Texel, autumn 2004. The aim of the weekend was to investigate the species composition of four square kilometers on the island of Texel. In one of the young valleys Campyliadelphus elodes proved to be one of the most dominant species, accompanied by a.o. Fissidens adianthoides. In an old valley Lophozia capitata was found. Surprising was the find of Metzgeria furcata, growing terrestrial on the north slope of a dry dune.
De mossen van Griend
J.D. Kruijer, C. Hesse, D. Lutterop & G. Kasemir

Mosses of the island of Griend (prov. Friesland). The island of Griend came into existence in the Middle Ages. Nowadays it is a small, low, flat sandy island located in the western Waddensea about halfway between the port of Harlingen and the West Frisian barrier island of Terschelling, Province of Friesland. It is famous for its dense breeding colonies of sea birds, in particular those of the Common Black-headed Gull and three Tern species, among which the Sandwich Tern. The early history of the bryoflora of the island is not known. From the second half of the 19th century to the 1970s bryophytes were probably absent from the island vegetation due to a combination of factors, e.g. a limited number of suitable habitats (salt marshes and areas under constant thread of covering by wind-blown sand are unsuitable habitats), a low diversity in habitats due the island’s level surface, occasional high tidal flooding throughout the year, and a dense vegetation of grasses due to enrichment with nutrients from the breeding colonies. To protect the island from threat of being swallowed by the sea, a few sand dykes have been constructed in 1973, 1985, and 1988. A few years after the construction of the last sand dyke was completed, the first moss species have been reported for the island. In 2002 and 2003, the authors of this paper made a complete inventory of the bryoflora of Griend, which has resulted in a list of nineteen moss species, of which 13 are new for the island. The occurrence of mosses is restricted to the manmade sand dykes. The most spectacular find is Eurhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Jur., which is rare in the Dutch Waddensea area. In combination with other recent records of E. speciosum in this area, the recent find on Griend suggests that the species is currently increasing in the Dutch Waddensea area.
Lijst van mossen van de Nederlandse Waddeneilanden
B.F. van Tooren & C.J.W. Bruin

Checklist of the bryophytes of the Dutch Wadden islands. Recently a checklist of the bryophytes of the Dutch Wadden Islands was published (Van Tooren & Bruin 2004). In this list an account of all individual records was lacking. In the present list these accounts are included. Also some errors are corrected and new interesting finds of the last months are included. Five of these new records deal with species which are found in 2004 on grassland where the top soil has been removed.
De eendagsexcursie naar het Bremerbergbos op 18 april 2004
K.W. van Dort

Mosses of the Bremerbergbos (province Flevoland). On the 18th of April the Bremerbergbos was visited. The major part of this mixed broadleaved ‘polder’ forest on moist clayey soil is rich in forest floor species but relatively poor in epiphytes. The monotonous one layered stands with a closed canopy allow little light to reach the stems. Noteworthy species are Cryphaea heteromalla, Homalia trichomanoides, Isothecium alopecuroides, I. myosuroides, Orthotrichum tenellum, Pylaisia polyantha and Ulota phyllantha. Widely spaced poplar stands scored a total of eleven(!) Orthotrichum species, among which Orthotrichum pallens, O. patens, O. striatum, O. pumilum and the mediterranean O. acuminatum. Species richness seems to be correlated with the high light intensity within the stands. Apart from pioneer epiphytes the extremely rare Antittrichia curtipendula and Leucodon sciuroides were found, suggesting a relatively high air humidity due to the permanent moist soil conditions.
Het voorjaarskamp in de Noordoostpolder van 29 april t/m 2 mei 2004
K.W. van Dort

Mosses from the spring meeting in the Noordoostpolder in 2004 (province Flevoland). The April spring field meeting 2004 was held in De Voorst. Special attention was paid to the older mixed ‘polder’ forests on moist clayey soil. The terrestrial bryoflora of stands with trenches is rich in pleurocarpous species, among which the very rare Hyocomium brevirostre. Relatively young and light stands appeared especially rich in epiphytes. Most noteworthy finds were Cololejeunea minutissima, Orthotrichum rupestre, O. speciosum, Pylaisia polyantha, Ulota phyllantha and Zygodon viridissimus var. rupestris. The once extremely rare Cryphaea heteromalla is common nowadays. Concrete remnants of waterway scale models yielded Anomodon viticulosus, Brachythecium rivulare and Fissidens dubius. Among the pioneer species Bryum pallescens and Lophozia capitata are interesting.
Mossen van het najaarsweekend naar Groesbeek in 2003
N.C.M. Buiten

Bryophytes from the autumn fieldtrip to Groesbeek in 2003 (province of Gelderland). On September 12-14th 2001 bryological fieldtrips were made from a camp near Groesbeek (province of Gelderland) to forelands on both sides of the river Waal: Millingerwaard, Klompenwaard and Gendtsche Waard. Lists of bryophytes were recorded for each of the forelands and the surroundings of the camp.
Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland: Correcties op het basisrapport (Buxbaumiella 54)
H.N. Siebel & R.J. Bijlsma

Corrections to the Proposal for the Dutch Red List of threatened bryophytes (Buxbaumiella 54). During the preparation of a final concept of the Red List of threatened bryophytes (on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality), several corrections appeared necessary. A corrected list is motivated and presented.
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