Buxbaumiella 51

< vorige April 2000 volgende >


Jaarverslag 1999

Sleutels voor nieuwe mossoorten in de Standaardlijst
H.N. Siebel

Errata Checklist lichenen en Standaardlijst mossen

Mossenexcursie Coepelduynen op 18 december 1999 (Erratum 51: 8-11)
M.J.H. Kortselius
Bryological excursion into the Coepelduynen
The Coepelduynen between Katwijk and Noordwijk belong to the young calcareous coastal sand dunes. The steep north facing slopes are rich in basophilous mosses. At many places the wind swept dune tops provide a fine sand spray over the moss cover. These circumstances are much favorable for Ditrichum flexicaule, Fissidens adianthoides, F. dubius and Homalothecium lutescens. A new location of Rhytidium rugosum has been detected. The recently appeared neophyte Bryum provinciale is doing well but is not very invasive.
Opmerkelijke vondsten van Groot gaffeltandmos, Dicranum majus, op Texel en Ameland
C.J.W. Bruin & B.F. van Tooren
Remarkable findings of Dicranum majus in Texel and Ameland.
Recently Dicranum majus has been recorded on several steep north facing slopes in the dunes in the islands of Texel and Ameland. Dicranum majus is a rare species in the Netherlands, which is mainly confined to old woodlands. The presence in these open dunes is discussed.
Het wilgenbroekstruweel van de Kooiwaard, Friesland
J. Koopman

De lichenologische najaarsexcursie 1998 naar Noord-Groningen en Noord-Friesland
C.M. van Herk & L.B. Sparrius

The lichenological autumn excursion 1998 to North Groningen and North Friesland. Parts of Groningen and Friesland were visited during a field meeting of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Pertusaria flavicans, P. lactescens and Sarcopyrenia cylindrospora are reported as new to the Netherlands. The occurence and recognition of Lecanora compallens and L. sinuosa, two recently described species, is discussed.
De korstmossen van het Speulderbos, vroeger en nu
C.M. van Herk, J.L. Spier, A. Aptroot, L.B. Sparrius & U. de Bruyn
The lichens of the Speulderbos area, past and present
The Speulderbos area is the most important site for woodland lichens in the Netherlands. Numerous rare lichen species are known to occur here. A comparison is made between the species composition in the late sixties and the recent one. Among the 97 recorded epiphytic species, 25 species occur on the Red List. Eleven of these species have now disappeared, fourteen are still present. All seven formerly occurring Usnea species have vanished. Several recently described crusts like Fellhanera viridisorediata and Bacidia neosquamulosa are rapidly spreading. Changes are attributed to increasing air pollution with ammonia, increasing shade, and a policy to leave dead and decaying wood. Lepraria umbricola Tønsberg, Micarea adnata Coppins and Thelocarpon lichenicola (Fuckel) Poelt & Hafellner are reported as new for the Netherlands. Lepraria jackii Tønsberg and Chaenothecopsis savonica (Räsänen) Tibell were known from only one other occasion in the Netherlands and were not yet reported in the Dutch literature.
Excursie naar het Fort Abcoude op 12 februari 2000
J.L. Spier, L.B. Sparrius, C.M. van Herk & A. Aptroot
A field trip to Fort Abcoude on february 12, 2000
A lichen field trip was made to an old fortification near Abcoude in the province of Utrecht, built between 1883 and 1886. In an area of about 15000 m2, 89 species of lichen and 2 lichenicolous fungi have been found on concrete, wood, trees, iron, brick and asbestos. Remarkable species on concrete are Caloplaca lactea, Polyblastia dermatodes and Opegrapha saxatilis.
Absconditella delutula (Nyl.) Coppins & Kilias nieuw voor Nederland
J.L. Spier

Absconditella delutula (Nyl.) Coppins & Kilias has been found near Amersfoort in the Netherlands. This is an addition to the recently published Checklist of the Dutch lichens and lichenicolous fungi.
Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) Brand & Diederich en Taeniolella punctata M.S. Christ & D. Hawksw. nieuw voor Nederland
L.B. Sparrius
Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) Brand & Diederich and Taeniolella punctata M.S. Christ & D. Hawksw. new to The Netherlands
In conjunction with the publication of a new lichen checklist of The Netherlands, the author presents details on a lichen and a lichenicolous fungus reported as new to The Netherlands, viz. Agonimia gelatinosa, and the hyphomycete Taeniolella punctata, growing on Graphis scripta. A new site with the rare Pyrenula nitida has been found.
Literatuuraankondigingen en recensies

Lindbergia deel 22 t/m 24

Stratiotes 17 t/m 19

Recensie Genera van de Pottiaceae
G.M. Dirkse & M.J.H. Kortselius

Zander’s Genera of the Pottiaceae offers excellent information about a group of acrocarpic mosses, famous for its difficult taxonomy. The book delimitates the family and the genera. Rearrangement of species emptied some familiar genera. As a consequence these genera (Pottia, Phascum, and Desmatodon) have disappeared. Most useful are the key to genera and the beautiful illustrations. Important characters in distinguishing among genera are the cross section of the nerve and the KOH colour reaction of the lamina. Every bryologist, in particular those interested in mediterranean bryophytes, should buy this book.
Recensie Checklists Lichenen van België, Luxemburg en Tsjechië
A. Aptroot

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