Buxbaumiella 132

< vorige Januari 2025

Kwelschoffelmos, Scapania paludicola, een nieuw bebladerd levermos voor Nederland
R. van der Knoop
Scapania paludicola, a new leafy liverwort for the Netherlands
The species was found in a lowland transition mire. Its ecology and prospects are described in brief.
Een nieuwe tandpastakorst, Ochrolechia arborea, en andere bijzondere bewoners op hardhout in de Biesbosch
A. van der Pluijm & L. Verboom
Ochrolechia arborea and other interesting finds on hardwood in the Biesbosch in the Netherlands
In November 2024 some 50 species of mostly lichens and some mosses were found on a hardwood bird watching tower in the National Park the Biesbosch. Ochrolechia arborea is reported for the first time from the Netherlands. The taxon had previously been found elsewhere by Maarten Brand, but his records were yet unpublished. It is likely that several older records of O. androgyna in our country also refer to O. arborea, as it has usually not been tested with UV light. The wooden structure yielded several other species that were new or rare for the area, e.g. Hypogymnia spp., Melanohalea elegantula, Pertusaria amara, Physcia dubia, P. stellaris and Xanthomendoza sp. The Biesbosch area has shown that, under high levels of nitrogen (NH3) pollution, hardwood structures can act as a refugium for some acidophytic and oligotrophic lichens and mosses.
BLWG-zomerkamp Parque Natural de Urbasa-Andía (Navarra, Spanje) – epifyten op veteraanbomen
K. van Dort
Epiphytic lichen communities in the Parque Natural of de Urbasa-Andía (Navarra, Spain), 2022
In the summer of 2022 the BLWG visited the Parque Natural of de Urbasa-Andía (Navarra, Spain). The cryptogamic flora of Urbasa-Andía shows distinct oceanic affinities (the stormy Gulf of Biskay is about 100 km away as the crow flies). The woods proved to be exceptionally rich in species. Well over 200 epiphytic lichens were recorded by the six lichen interested participants. They focused on the old beech-dominated woodlands and the (semi)evergreen oakwoods. In search of rare rain shadow specialists special attention was paid to the pollarded beeches (‘trasmochos’) and the veteran oak trees in the pasture woodlands (‘dehesas’), an increasingly rare habitat throughout Europe. Lobarion-species appear scattered throughout the area, e.g. Dendriscocaulon umhausense, Fuscopannaria ignobilis, F. olivacea, Leptogium saturninum, Lobarina scrobiculata, Nephroma laevigatum, N. resupinatum and Ricasolia amplissima. Species of conservation concern recorded from the beech forests are Microcalicium disseminatum and Sclerophora peronella. Veteran oaks (Quercus pubescens) are rich in ‘rain shadow specialists’ (Caliciaceae), among which nine members of the genus Chaenotheca (including C. brachypoda, chlorella, chrysocephala, hispidula and phaeocephala), Calicium adspersum, C. glaucellum, C. salicinum and C. quercinum, and Sclerophora pallida.
Riccardia aequicellularis (Steph.) Hewson op de Veluwe: een nieuwe antipodale levermossoort voor Europa
H.N. Siebel & R.J. Bijlsma
Riccardia aequicellularis (Steph.) Hewson in the Veluwe area (Central Netherlands): a new antipodal liverwort species to Europe
A puzzling Riccardia taxon with narrow thallus from the northern part of the Veluwe area in the Netherlands was compared to Riccardia species described worldwide from regions with comparable climate. It turned out to match only and perfectly with descriptions of Riccardia aequicellularis (Steph.) Hewson from New Zealand and Australia. It is another newly introduced species in Europe from that region. How it arrived in the Netherlands is unknown. The most important differences with European Riccardia chamedryfolia and R. incurvata are the narrow biconvex thallus, the oilbodies only present in part of the epidermal cells. The epidermal cells are as large or larger than the internal cells in transverse section. It occurs in wet, acidic heathland.
Gymnostomum viridulum (stomp kalkmos) nieuw voor Nederland, en andere bijzondere mossen en lichenen op de Bemelerberg
L. Verboom
Gymnostomum viridulum new to the Netherlands, and other finds of rare mosses and lichens on Bemelerberg, Province of Limburg
A survey of the Bemelerberg (Province of Limburg, the Netherlands) was carried out, where both lichens and bryophytes were identified. It yielded a few rare species. The moss Gymnostomum viridulum was recorded for the first time in the Netherlands. It was growing on thin calcareous soil on top of a cliff.

Twee opmerkelijke korstmossenboeken...
L.B. Sparrius

Boekbespreking: Lichens of Ireland and Great Britain. A visual guide to their identification
L. Verboom

BLWG Lezingendag 2025

Algemene Ledenvergadering van de BLWG

BLWG Jaarverslag 2024

Huub van Melick benoemd tot Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau
M. Smulders

Adrie Gladdines in memoriam
P. van der Wiel & F. Franken


Vragen aan... Dirk De Beer

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