Buxbaumiella 130

< vorige Juni 2024

Tóch een ‘gewone’ haarmuts! De zoektocht naar de juiste naam van een opmerkelijk mos
A. van der Pluijm & J.A.W. Nieuwkoop
The search for the identity of an enigmatic moss
With the publication of https://doi.org/10 1111/ jse.13040 it was concluded that collections of an enigmatic moss from several locations in Europe all belong to the same species, Lewinskya affinis. We here describe how this research came about from its confusing beginnings in 2000 to its successful end in 2023.
Wolmos, schone schim in bronbos: Trichocolea tomentella als honkvaste zwerver
E.J. Weeda
Trichocolea tomentella, the beautiful phantom of spring woods
Like in many other European countries the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella is considered a threatened species in the Netherlands. Within this country it has been confined to hilly parts in the southeast (Province of Limburg and surroundings of Nijmegen) for the last hundred years. Whilst in some of its present Dutch stations it has been known from the 19th century onwards, several locations in the surroundings of Maastricht (including nearby Belgium) have only been discovered in the middle of the 20th century or even later. In this paper special attention is paid to Trichocolea’s apparent vanishing and reappearance within its scanty localities in The Netherlands. Within Trichocoleaceae, a predominantly tropical and southern-hemisphere family, Trichocolea tomentella is the only species native to Europe. Such species (other examples are Hookeria lucens, Osmunda regalis, and Impatiens noli-tangere) tend to be dependent on interaction of wood and water. A typical inhabitant of spring woods, T. tomentella is dependent on a constant supply of water without being inundated. It is covered with ramified, antler-like hairs whose function includes both uptake and release of water. Trichocolea tomentella is not only sensitive to drought but also to full solar radiation, its upper layers being bleached and killed by prolonged exposition to sunlight. As to the pH (acid to neutral) and lime content of the spring water T. tomentella is less critical, as is reflected by its companions (e.g. Sphagnum spp. or Pellia epiphylla in acid sites, Cirriphyllum piliferum and Plagiochila asplenioides in neutral sites). Therefore, the water-in- take by the ramified hairs might be investigated as to its main source (rainwater or groundwater) and a possible selecting activity of these hairs. Fructification of this dioicous species is rare in most of its area and has never been observed in the Netherlands. In part this may be ascribed to woodland fragmentation. As gemmae production is not reported either, transport of detached leaf fragments seems the only way of reaching new sites. Yet T. tomentella has passed through substantial changes in most Dutch stations, be it in topography (position in a system of water springs) or in vegetation structure (wood, scrub, hayfield). While straying wild boars are possible vectors, the human factor seems to have a paramount importance. Although several Dutch stations of T. tomentella have been woodland for at least two centuries, they went through periods of large-scale felling. Notwithstanding its vulnerability towards sunlight T. tomentella may survive such interventions, bridging the regeneration phase under Rubus scrub. It is also recorded in species-rich hayfield enclaves in spring woodland, being protected by high herbaceous plants (e.g. Filipendula ulmaria) in summer. Although it will suffer superficial die-back in spring, its lower layers may survive. Moreover, by disturbance of the surface (in copses) or mowing (in hayfields) Trichocolea fragments might be spread and colonize neighbouring spots. In terms of life-strategies T. tomentella has been termed a ‘stayer’, but as to its Dutch populations it might rather be labelled a ‘fragmentation colonist’, i.e. a potentially long-lived, mat-forming, dioicous, rarely fruiting moss forming no gemmae and dispersing mainly by detached fragments.
De eerste Nederlandse vondst van Scytinium callopismum (navelzwelkorst) op de Hoge Veluwe
A. van Wingerden & H. van der Kolk
The first Dutch record of Scytinium callopismum in Hoge Veluwe National Park
Scytinium callopismum was recorded for the first time in the Netherlands. The species was found on a 100-year-old concrete wall in a heathland in the Dutch Hoge Veluwe National Park. A description and illustrations of Scytinium callopismum are provided. The cortex types occurring in the genus Scytinium are discussed.
Herkenning en eerste gegevens over verspreiding en standplaats van de kussentjesmossen Leucobryum albidum en L. glaucum s.s. in Nederland
R.J. Bijlsma & H.N. Siebel
Recognition and first data on distribution and ecology of the white-mosses Leucobryum albidum and L. glaucum s.s. in the Netherlands
Following the publication on the taxonomy of white-mosses (Leucobryum) in Europe (Ottley et al. 2023), we have obtained a first impression of the situation in the Netherlands based on a revision of our herbarium collections from the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe as well as on additional field work. Surprisingly, after some experience both species can well be recognized in the field by differences in leaf posture and the extent to which the leaf is bent or rolled inwards. We confirm the conclusions of Ottley et al. regarding reliable microscopic characters for separating the European white mosses, in particular the number of cell rows of the leaf lamina and the width of ‘lateral pores’ of the leucocysts. We didn’t encounter material of Leucobryum juniperoideum from the Netherlands. Leucobryum albidum appears rather common in older woodlands, especially on the acidic, higher sandy soils, usually in relatively sheltered conditions, both on dead wood, trunk bases and on the ground. Leucobryum glaucum s.s. occurs in the same habitat but also in more open, heath-like forests and, contrary to L. albidum, outside woodlands, such as in fen meadow grasslands, old (not sod-cut) dry heath and wet heath including transitions to raised bogs. We have seen fruiting L. albidum from one locality only; all other fruiting material in our herbaria (from about 15 localities) belongs to L. glaucum s.s.
Een nieuwe naam voor de BLWG
L.B. Sparrius & W.J. Remmelts
A new name for the BLWG
In the 30’s and 40’s of the past century, the number of botanists and bryologists working at research institutes in The Netherlands increased considerably. After World War II a number of them founded the Bryologische Werkgroep (BWG), a study group aimed at investigating the Dutch bryoflora. This study group, with professionals as well as amateurs as members, became part of the Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging (NNV) (Dutch Society for Natural History). Later on, the name of the umbrella organisation was altered into Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging (KNNV) (Royal Dutch Society for Natural History). In 1976 a group of lichenologists joined the BWG, after which the study group continued formally as Bryologische en Lichenologische Werkgroep van de KNNV. The English name became Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society, without reference to the KNNV. The BLWG remained part of the KNNV, though, but already in the 70’s problems had arisen concerning membership of the study group. The KNNV insisted that members of the BLWG should also be members of the KNNV. Many bryologists and lichenologists abroad, as well as some Dutch naturalists, would like to become member of the BLWG, but didn’t feel any affinity with the KNNV. For this category, the name ‘benefactor’ came in use. In 1974 the BLWG became an independent association, but the difference between members and benefactors remained unsolved. Non-members of the KNNV were supposed to pay contribution, but to abstain from voting. During the last decades, the BLWG – more so than the KNNV – has turned into a professional organisation, firmly involved in research and protection of threatened species and habitats. At the annual meeting of the BLWG in 2024 it was decided to amend the statutes and delete the name KNNV as part of the name. From now on the name will be Bryologische en Lichenologische Werkgroep. Former benefactors are now members with voting rights. This development does not mean that the BLWG breaks off all relations with the KNNV. We intend to co-operate where- and whenever possible.


Vragen aan... Dick Kerkhof


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